Saturday, July 23, 2011

Chewing gum

Raw materials
1. Latex (chicle)
2. Saccharine (artificial sweetener)
3. Spearmint 
4. Butylated hydroxyoluene (preservative)
5. Vegetable oil (softerner)

1. Latex is gridded, mixed and dried.
2. Gum base is cooked at 116 degrees Celsius until it has melted into a thick syrup and is then purified by passing through screens and place it in a high speed centrifuge before refiltering it, this time through finer screens.
3. Additional ingredients (saccharine, spearmint, butylated hydroxyoluene, vegetable oil) are stirred in by large steel blades.
4. Mass of chewing gum is kneaded until properly rubbery and smooth and is then flattened by rollers.
5. Chewing gum is cut to size.

Chewing gum

Used for
Production facility
Chicago, Illinois

Canberra, Australia

1 comment:

  1. This would be the first product that Australia import from oversea production facility. Good to note.
